Ms. Maria-Ana Sanchez
Ms. Maria-Ana Sanchez
Extra Subject Information:
Position Held at School:
Senior Teacher Technology Coordinator and VCE Assessor
VCE Subject(s) Teaching:
Data Analytics, Software Development
Master of Education (Information Technology)
Diploma of Education (Computer Education)
Role at TSSM:
Maria-Ana is a dedicated, passionate teacher of IT Applications and Software Development. She endeavours to engage students at an intellectual level and interest them in the intricate and complex nature of her subjects. She is highly skilled in her fields of expertise and her experience as a VCE Assessor allows her to give her students helpful tips and hints regarding the end of year examinations.
Teaching Philosophy:
It is important to develop positive relationships with students in order to encourage them to fulfill their potential. Every student has the right to be the best they can and therefore it is important to use different teaching methodologies.
Gym classes